When you do a lot of painting, small changes that make you more efficient can really save you time and money in the long run. Here are a few easy painting hacks that will level up your pro painting game.
More Prep, Less Painting
Everyone skimps on the prep, but your finished product will look so much better if you do this part properly. You should spend about two thirds of the time on prep, and a third of the time painting. Prep includes patching any blemishes, sanding, vacuuming walls and trim and finally washing walls before painting. This will ensure the perfect finish and save you from time-consuming call backs.
Always paint ceilings first so any spilled paint on the walls will get painted over.
Buy good quality brushes and clean them properly so they can be reused. Disposable brushes will cost you more in the long run, don’t work as well and will leave bristles behind in the paint.
Always cover the floor prior to painting. Drop cloths can be problematic as they move around and can spill paint when moved. Instead, old boxes cut open make a great floor covering. The cardboard sits tightly against the walls and doesn’t move around easily.
Masking off areas you don’t want to paint is key, but if you have smaller areas that are difficult to mask off effectively, simply cover them with petroleum jelly. Don’t forget to remove it when you’re done!
Tool Hacks
Use a lint roller to remove lint from your paint rollers before you start painting for a cleaner finish.
Clean rollers, dry them and store them in Pringle’s cans to prevent them from getting dusty or damaged.
Place a large rubber band over the center of your paint can when painting with a brush. You can gently scrape the brush over the rubber band to remove excess paint and prevent drips and spills.
Pull masking tape off at an angle to preserve the straight edge. It the tapes starts to take paint off, apply very gentle heat with a heat gun to get it off without damaging the surface below.
Cleaning Up
Paint can get in the grove along the lid and, when you close the lid with a hammer, that paint may splash out. Instead, take a small nail and punch holes along the bottom of the groove to allow excess paint to drain back into the can. The lid will cover the holes when it is on and you’ll have fewer spills.
New paint brushes usually have cardboard bristle protectors for a reason. Bristles can curl or bend as they dry. Keep the cardboard cover so you dry your brush without damaging the bristles. Already thrown it out? A piece of cardboard and a rubber band will work too.