2023 Color Trends

To determine the most popular trends for colour in 2023, Fixr.com asked 62 interior design experts to weigh in with their favourite choices.

58% of the respondents opted for a palette of neutral colors with bold accent colors, a move away from the gray and white palette of 2022.

Of these bold color splashes, terracotta is the most popular with 50% of those surveyed picking it as the color for 2023. Also popular are clay, creamy white and a deep pewter green which earned 40% of the expert votes while indigo came in at 37%.

Thinking of selling? The experts agree overwhelmingly with 82% going for warm neutrals. White still holds that top spot if you are thinking of selling with natural wood stains and tan accents.

If you are thinking of adding color, 57% of the experts advise painting the whole room rather than a single wall. 44% of those surveyed would opt for adding color though textiles while 36% love wallpaper.

Wallpaper is here to stay with 96% of the experts advising that wallpaper will be big this year with botanical prints taking the top spot.

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