We’ve compiled a list of all the construction abbreviations we use most often as a resource to builders, engineers, framers, dealers, architects and other trades. This list is a work in progress, so if you have any abbreviations we’ve missed, leave them in the comments section and we’ll add them to the list.
AB | Asbestos Board or Anchor Bolt |
AC | Asphalt Concrete |
ACCA | Air Conditioning Contractors of America |
ACCU | Air Cooled Condensing Unit |
ACH50 | Air Changes per Hour at 50 Pascals |
ACI | American Concrete Institute |
AFUE | Annualized Fuel Utilization Efficiency |
AGC | Associated General Contractors of America |
AHRI | Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute |
AIS | American Institute of Steel Construction |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ASE | Alliance to Save Energy |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating Refrigerating & Air conditioning Engineers |
AWI | American Woodwork Institute |
AWS | American Welding Society |
AWWA | American Water Works Association |
BAS | Building Airflow Standard |
BETEC | Building Environment and Thermal Envelope Council |
BOCA | Building Officials and Code Administrators International |
BPI | Building Performance Institute |
BSU | Basic Structural Unit |
BTU | British Thermal Unit |
CBS | Concrete Building Structure |
CCA | Canadian Construction Association |
CCF | Hundred Cubic Feet |
CCI | Construction Cost Index |
CEMP | Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan |
CFA | Conditioned Floor Area |
CFL | Compact Fluorescent Light |
cfm50 | Cubic feet per minute at 50 Pascals |
CIA | Cold Inducted Air |
CIP | Cast Iron Pipe |
CIPE | Certified in Plumbing Engineering |
CIPP | Cast Iron Pressure Pipe |
CISP | Cast Iron Soil Pipe |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
COP | Coefficient of Performance |
CM | Corrugated Metal |
CP | Clay Pipe (standard length) |
CP | Construction Planning |
CP | Cost Proposal |
CPI | Coalescing Plate Interceptor |
CRPH | Cross Recess Pan Head |
CS | Corrugated Steel |
CSC | Constructions Specifications Canada |
CSI | Construction Specifications Institute |
CSP | Corrugated Steel Pipe |
CSPI | Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute |
CSW | Critical Structural Weakness |
DFRCC | Ductile Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite |
DI | Ductile Iron |
DIP | Ductile Iron Pipe |
DL | Drainage Layer |
DOAS | Dedicated Outdoor Air System |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DSA | Division of State Architects |
EBV | Exhaust Back-pressure Valve |
ECAO | Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario |
ECDA | External Corrosion Direct Assessment |
EEBA | Energy and Environmental Building Association |
EER | Energy Efficiency Ratio |
EF | Energy Factor |
EIR | Environmental Impact Report |
EOS | Equivalent Opening Size |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPP | Environmentally Preferred Product |
EPS | Expanded Polystyrene |
EPSCA | Electrical Power Systems Construction Association |
ES | Edge Split |
ESA | Electrical Safety Authority |
ESA | Environmentally Sensitive Area |
ESC | Erosion and Sedimentation Control |
ESP | Electrical Submersible Pump |
ETABS | Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems |
ERV | Energy Recovery Ventilator |
FCR | Fast Cast Rate |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FM | Field Memo |
FO | Field Order |
FWD | Field Work Directive |
G1S | Good One Side |
GBC | Green Building Council |
GC | General Contractor |
GIS | Geographical Information System |
GLULAM | Glue-laminated Beam |
GS | Grade Stamped |
GS | Grid Standpipe |
GSFT | Glazed Structural Facing Tile |
GSHP | Ground-source Heat Pump |
GTAW | Gas Tungsten Arc Welding |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Materials |
HDD | Heating Degree Days |
HDPE | High Density PolyEthylene |
HET | High Efficiency Toilet |
HERS | Home Energy Rating System |
HPFRCC | High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites |
HPwES | Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program |
HRV | Heat Recovery Ventilator |
HSPF | Heating Season Performance Factor |
HVAC | Heating, ventilating, and Air Conditioning |
IAQ | Indoor Air Quality |
IAQA | Indoor Air Quality Association |
IBC | International Building Code |
ICC | International Code Council |
ICF | Insulated Concrete Form |
IECC | International Energy Conservation Code |
IPM | Integrated Pest management |
IW | Induction Welding |
JHSC | Joint Health and Safety Commission |
LC | Level Compressed |
LCA | Life Cycle Assessment (Sustainable Architecture) |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LEED | Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design |
LP | Level Points |
LRFD | Load and Resistance Factor Design |
LVF | Low Velocity Fasteners |
MAWL | Maximum Allowable Working Load |
MCAA | Mechanical Contractors Association of America |
MCAC | Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada |
ME | Metal Edge |
MEP | Maximum Extent Practicable |
MERV | Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value |
MIAC | Mechanical Industry Advisory Committee |
MMAW | Manual Metal Arch Welding |
MS4 | Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
NAHB | National Association of Home Builders |
NAHBRC | National Association of Home Builders Research Center |
NAPHCC | National Association of Plumbing Heating and Cooling Contractors |
NBC | National Building Code of Canada |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NGBS | National Green Building Standard |
NIBS | National Institute of Building Sciences |
NICET | National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies |
NIST | National Institute for Standards and Technology |
NPS | Non-point Source |
NVSD | Non-vibration Sand Drain |
OC | On Center |
O&M or O/M | Operations and Management |
OCEW | On Center Each Way |
OHSA | Occupational Health and Safety Association |
OSB | Oriented Strand Board |
OSDS | On-site Disposal System |
OWST | Organic Waste Storage Tank |
P2 | Pollution Prevention |
PAF | Plant Availability Factor |
PAH | Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbon |
PAM | Poly-Acrylamide |
PAP | Permit Application Package |
PCB | Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyl |
PCC | Portland Cement Concrete |
PCCO | Prima Contract Change Order |
PCE | Pre-stressed Concrete Erection |
PCHWP | Process Chilled Water Pump |
PCO | Potential Change Order |
PCO | Proposed Change Order |
PCR | Project Completion Report |
PDO | Project Design Outline |
PDS | Project Data Sheet |
PED | Preconstruction Engineering and Design |
PEP | Polyethylene Pipe |
PEP | Project Execution Plan |
PLF | Plant Load Factor |
PME | Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation |
PMG | Project Management Group |
PO | Project Originals |
POD | Position, Orientation, and Direction |
POTW | Publicly Owned Treatment Works |
PPC | Portland Pozzolana Cement |
PPT | Pollution Prevention Team |
PQ | Pre-Qualification |
PS1 | Performance standard for wood-based structural panels (plywood) |
PS2 | Performance standard for wood-based structural panels (OSB) |
PSD | Particle Size Distribution |
PVCP | Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe |
PVD | Prefabricated Vertical Drain |
RBEC | Registered Building Envelope Consultant |
RC | Reinforced Concrete |
RCP | Round Reinforced Concrete Pipe |
RFP | Request for Pricing |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFSW | Raised Face Socket Weld (i.e., face of a pipe flange) |
ROJ | Required On Job site |
RSPC | Regulated Set Portland Cement |
RTR | Reinforced Thermosetting Resin |
RTRC | Reinforced Thermosetting Resin conduit |
RTRP | Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe |
RWDP | Rain Water Drain Pipe |
RWQCB | Regional Water Quality Control Board |
SAP | Sampling and Analysis Plan |
SAPS | Site Assessment Prioritization System |
SB | SolarBoard Radiant Barrier Sheathing |
SCP | Sand Compaction Pile |
SCFM | Standard cubic feet per minute |
SD | Sand Drain |
SFPM | Surface Feet Per Minute |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification |
SIP | Structural Insulated Panel |
SJI | Steel Joist Institute |
SLC | Self-Leveling Compound |
SP | Steel Pipe |
SPCC | Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure |
STMS | Site Traffic Management Supervisor |
SUSMP | Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan |
SWMP | StormWater Management Program |
SWPPP | StormWater Pollution Prevention Plan |
TB | TruBoard wall and roof sheathing |
TD | Tender Design |
TEC | Thermal Efficient Control |
TOC | Total Organic Carbon |
TQA | Trades Qualification Act |
TSS | Total Suspended Solids |
TW | TallWall wall sheathing |
UBC | Uniform Building Code |
UFC | Uniform Fire Code |
USBIC | Sustainable Buildings Industry Council |
USGBC | United States Green Building Council |
VEC | Value Engineering Cost |
VESDA | Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus |
VMA | Variable Air Volume Modular Assembly |
VMB | Valve Manifold Box |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compounds |
VOR | Variation Order Request |
VLT | Vertical Turret Lathe |
WEF | Water Environment Federation |
WHMIS | Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System |
WS | WindStorm wall sheathing |
WSIB | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |