Construction technology is changing at a rapid rate and drones are an affordable, easy way to improve efficiency and cut costs. Drones can help keep sites safe and catch issues early on. Here’s how owning a drone can help you build better.
Drones are able to provide accurate surveys in far less time than their human counterparts. Drones are able to collect data instantly and without disrupting construction. Drones have the capabilities to map vast tracks of land in minutes and turn this into data that can help project managers accurately estimate costs and schedule projects.
Preventing Issues
Drones are informing logistics and reducing the potential for accidents and errors. Site managers are able to inspect builds without even being on site. They can catch issues quickly so they can be remedied. Without having to physically inspect building sites, managers and designers are saving time and are more likely to check sites more often.
Hard to Reach Places
Drones are able to provide a view of the jobsite so any hazards or potential safety risks can be detected early on. Drones can access small crawl spaces and heights that would take several workers to navigate safely. This saves time and money.
Safety and Security
Managers can check to see that workers are following safety protocols to prevent jobsite injuries. Drones can also provide security to prevent theft.
In 2016 the release of Part 107 regulations made it easier for construction companies to use drones. The regulations provide guidelines for drone use and no longer require construction companies to apply to the FAA for permission to operate drones. The regulations stipulate that drones should weigh less than 55 pounds, operators must keep drones in their line of sight and may only fly over people directly related to the project. Drones can only be flown during daylight hours, must be registered and operators must pass a test before flying the drone on site.