Most homeowners are aware that they get what they pay for and are willing to spend more to get quality service from contactors. Here’s a couple of tips on how to get your message across.
Get the Word Out
The best recommendation is from a trusted friend or family member. Offer existing clients a discount on future work when they recommend someone to you.
Ask for reviews and recommendations when a job has been completed and ensure your website and social media are set up to make that really easy. If you don’t ask for recommendations, customers will simply forget to give you one. Ask to take a quick 30 second video for your website, send a link to your reviews page or email customers a very short survey once the job is done.
Ensure your Google reviews (see how here), Yelp (register here) and Angie’s List (see how here) entries are operational. Be sure to mention your best feature when you construct ads and descriptions for online entries. For example, committing to finishing jobs on schedule, starting jobs on schedule or simply answering the phone can make a difference.
Differentiate Yourself
“A while back, a local subcontractor took out a half-page ad in a major periodical that said simply, “We return phone calls.” They’d identified the one thing that drives homeowners and general contractors nuts around here — the failure to receive acknowledgment, much less service,” says Melanie Hodgdon “Their stated policy — to call people back — lifted them out of the crowd. Once you’ve separated yourself from “the competition,” you don’t have to worry about staying competitive.”
Customers will consider paying more for contractors that offer great service. Returning calls can be tough when you are on the jobsite, so take an hour out of every day for admin and phone calls so that your clients know they can leave a message and you will get back to them.
Offering accurate quotes, starting and finishing on time, completing punch lists in a timely fashion—these are all things that will ensure happy customers and great recommendations.
Staying competitive means spending time on getting the word out on what