Preventing Frozen Pipes

As winter approaches, we are sure to see a few homeowners suffer the inconvenience and often exorbitant expense of frozen and burst pipes. Even when pipes are situated inside the thermal envelope, they can still be exposed to freezing temperatures through conduction. If pipes run along steel beams or concrete walls that extend beyond the thermal envelope, conductive heat can cool them below freezing. Prevent bust pipes in these situations by insulating the pipes themselves.

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Tips for Preventing Frozen Pipes in Winter

Frozen pipes on construction sites and in new homes are one of the issues builders face over the winter. Burst pipes, especially when they go undetected, can wreak havoc as they spew water into the building or erode the surrounding landscape.

Burst pipes occur during extremely inclement winter weather when water in the pipes expands and places so much pressure on the inner walls of the pipe that it bursts. You can avoid burst pipes by either preventing the water from freezing in the first place or by managing pressure when it does.

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