Causes of Telegraphing through Roof Shingles: It’s not Always the Obvious!

Recently we had a call from a builder complaining that their roof sheathing was buckling, causing a telegraphing effect through their roofing shingles. Concerned about the structural efficacy of the roof, they asked us to take a look. The builder and dealer thought it was a number of problems with the roofing panels themselves but, on closer inspection, we discovered that there were a number of installation issues that caused the problem.

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Blizzards Causes Issues with Roofs

The 2015 blizzards have had a calamitous effect on housing over the winter, causing damage and destruction to many roofs. After several feet of snow, buildings across the country began to buckle under the added weight, prompting officials to encourage home owners to clear their roofs of snow. The record-breaking snow, ice and freezing temperatures wreaked havoc on homes with older roofs causing collapses and sagging.

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