Reduce Runs to the Hardware Store and Save Time and Money

Is everyone sitting around waiting because you ran out of nails? When employees leave the jobsite to pick up materials, you have a double loss with transport costs and time. Studies show that these costs can take up as much as 2-4% of the project’s profits for most small to medium construction companies. But with a better system and planning, you can vastly reduce lumberyard runs and improve your efficiency and your bottom line

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Questions to ask Prospective Construction Employees

As a business owner or site manager, you know the value of competent employees and the costs associated with getting rid of those employees who compromise the quality of your workmanship. Not only can incompetent employees reduce the quality of a build, they can also compromise the relationship you have with your clients and may cost you thousands in referrals.

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Tips for Preventing Frozen Pipes in Winter

Frozen pipes on construction sites and in new homes are one of the issues builders face over the winter. Burst pipes, especially when they go undetected, can wreak havoc as they spew water into the building or erode the surrounding landscape.

Burst pipes occur during extremely inclement winter weather when water in the pipes expands and places so much pressure on the inner walls of the pipe that it bursts. You can avoid burst pipes by either preventing the water from freezing in the first place or by managing pressure when it does.

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