Installing Longer Wall Panels Vertically
Can you install our longer OSB Wall sheathing panels vertically? Well, of course you can and the Ol’ Sage lets you know why you should.
Can you install our longer OSB Wall sheathing panels vertically? Well, of course you can and the Ol’ Sage lets you know why you should.
The APA Engineered Wood Association provides comprehensive guidelines for the storage of wood panels on site. Correct on-site storage will allow plywood and OSB wood panels to acclimatize to conditions on the building and prevent a plethora of framing problems down the line. The APA outlines several guidelines on the correct storage of panels to minimize the conditions that can lead to buckling and ridging; after all you’re protecting your investment.
It’s cheaper to fix issues in the beginning of any process than at the end! So read on to make sure you know all about how panels are sized and how it accounts for expansion & contraction from moisture.
Does disposal of OSB in a landfill harm the environment? How can you dispose of your OSB or reduce the waste leftover from your product?
Both OSB and plywood wood panels can be used for wall sheeting, sub-flooring panels and roof panels, but OSB has some advantages
As construction costs increase and building codes demand more effective building envelopes, construction professionals are looking to taller wall panels to fill in the gaps. OSB wall panels already make for a sustainable and cost-effective option but with longer length OSB wall panels, the efficacy of the building envelope is increased by creating fewer seams while costs, waste and installation time are reduced.
I-Joists are engineered wood products that are gaining popularity with building professionals. Engineered I-Joists are manufactured under exacting conditions to ensure consistent strength that provides long span and high load capabilities. These installation tips are supplementary to your manufacturer’s instructions and technical guides.
So is the spacing between your OSB panels actually important? Better consult the Ol’ Sage….
Hardwood can make for a durable and beautiful floor, but small mistakes in the subflooring or installation can wreak havoc and buckling, squeaky, uneven floors can all result from poor installation. While this is not a definitive guide to hardwood installation over OSB panels, there are some important points to ponder.
Accidents on construction sites can jeopardize the safety of your team and the public while causing delays or financial loss. While most construction sites already require safety with the use of protective gear and adherence to safety standards; reminders are never a bad idea.